Sunday, April 12, 2009

Previously Deleted Stuff!

So it is mid April of 2009 and I am now 24. How depressing! Not to mention my age, but also my weight, I am no the heaviest sister. I have never been at this point in my life before and it is kind of sad. I would love to say I have the motivation to change it, but I currently don't. I am so busy with school that it just seems like I never get caught up. Not only am I racing to get caught up with the regular school work, but am also racing to get caught up with trying to learn and prepare for this summer at MIT. They recommended me to read this text book ( "Molecular Biology of the Gene"), so I have bought, but not even looked at it yet. I keep telling my self, next weekend, but by the time it is said done, it's Sunday night and I am still trying to get caught up with lit class.

I am really stressed out this semester and feel I have only so much time. This causes me to stress eat. Ugg. I am really happy for Kristen, but sad that I have taken her place in the weight line. Anyhow, besides all that, everything is great. It's crazy busy, but great.

~*~ So after writing this, I decided after reading this inspiring piece I saw online, that I would write down three goals a week on pieces of paper at my desk and sign off every day I complete them. Everyweek I will do the same, create 3 more goals, or continue on with the old.

This Weeks goals are the following:

~I WILL drink 8 cups of water a day!
~I WILL take 30 minutes to exercise everyday!
~I WILL take my vitamins everyday!

I will keep you posted on how I do.

Here is this nice inspiring piece I was talking about (I am not sure who it is by).

A Concrete Dream
Our desires act as fuel, propelling us toward new horizons. Without something to strive for, we stagnate and become stuck in ruts of our own making because we are unsure of what to do next. Goals are the dreams that we are willing to work for. When we set goals, we take responsibility for our lives and choose to wholeheartedly devote ourselves to our aspirations. Even if we only take the smallest steps toward achieving our ambitions, it is vital that we actively pursue our goals rather than just daydreaming about them. Having goals makes us feel good because it adds a sense of purpose and direction to our lives.
When you endeavor to achieve clear and quantifiable goals, your choices and actions take on new significance. Consciously creating your goals can help ensure that the success you seek is attainable and serves you. Your plan must be conceivable, tangible, and measurable. If you cannot visualize your goal in great detail or believe that you can realize them, you may find it difficult to commit to your goals and take the necessary steps to achieve them. Make sure that your goals have the potential to be emotionally satisfying. You may even want to write them down. Putting your goals into words can keep your intention fresh in your mind and remind you of your purpose. As you make progress toward realizing your goals, give yourself a reward each time you take a step forward so that you have the incentive to keep going. If you find yourself stuck in a rut, examine ways in which you can revise your strategy so that your plan can work.
In creating goals, you create your future by outlining your destiny. When you choose your goals using your head and heart, you take the first step in manifesting what you want. You grant your own wishes every time you achieve another goal.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Bloggin Issue

Can anyone tell me how I can get my blog space to increase in width. It always seems to cramp all my post to this anarexic paragraphs and takes away my indentations and spaces to represent a begining of the next paragraph. Help!


*~*Sigh~*~* So i am starting to be accustom to this go to bed at 11 and wake up at 3am thing. School is very hectic. It always seems like a matter of priority. Right now since I just had my anatomy and physiology test, I need to study like crazy for my history test and work on my essay. Luckily I have one easy class, macroeconomics, which I have lowest on my priority school work list. Calc is right above that. I have an A in that class at the moment, but I need to study for our test on Monday. I am bummed though to find out next semester I won't have the same teacher for calc 2 due to that fact that her class runs exactly the same time as the only class offered for bio 2. Dammit, now I am stuck with some guy who probably won't know how to teach. Oh well, I have use any of my free tutoring that is offered to me by STRONG-CT yet, so I might next semester.
Anyways, I am extremely happy when my teacher passed out our class average for anatomy today. I was the only one with a A-. most of the class averaged a C. See, I was stressing before because he is such a hard teacher. He wants to know every single detail and I was not use to that from my teacher I had last year for anatomy 1. She just wanted use to know the general concepts. I don't mind either teaching style, but because I wasn't expecting it I got B's on the lab quizzes, and I don't like B's. Lucky with my 90 on the exam, and a 100 on the online quiz and high 90's on class quizzes, I managed to average out an A-. Lets hope I can keep it there or raise it.
Western Civilization is seriously brutal. No study guides, URG!!!! He is a nice guy, but his teaching style is extremely difficult for me. I basically have to teach myself through they book. I will probably average 8 hours a week on homework for that class. It is ridiculous!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Love my sisters blogs.
Since I haven't been on this thing in a while, I had to kept up with my sis's blogs. They are quite amusing to read I must say. I am find out more and more how much we are alike. I wish my other sister would have a blog. I also like how she post pictures, and think that is a great idea. Well once again, I have sucessfully blown off an hour that I should be doing homework. I shouldn't be that hard on myself though. I work really hard and since I don't watch tv or really read books ( even though I should), I play online instead. So many nights this I stay up til 12 or 1am just to wake up at 3 or 4 am. It is rough, but I will get by. P.S. let me know your fav!

Down of their luck

So reading Melissa's blog has inspired me to put off homework and write one of my own....

To piggy back on Melissa's conversation about our distant relatives who all of a sudden are two feet away, I agree with her 100%. In fact, it is so bad here, I have to move out to keep my sanity, which honestly I wasn't planning to or wanted to until this summer. I do feel bad, like Melissa said, our parents are so nice and so generous to help them when they are "down on the luck". Which leads me into a similar topic that bothers me and pulls me in two different directions, should I feel bad for them?

I have always pretty much felt strongly that people control their destinations in life. Every single little and big choice you make, explains why you are where you are today. Maybe because of this thought process it explains why I am a constant planner and how I always worry about things ( I think Melissa can relate). I am extremely driven, which unfortunately makes me extremely anal and a very big stresser. Even though I spend so much time planning, worrying, thinking and stressing, I believe it helps me be able to choice the best choices in life in order for me to be successful.

So where is this going you ask? Well, I look at people my like relatives who are "down on their luck" and think why are they here? Meaning what poor choices in their life brought them down this road? Granted I do not know every aspect about my aunt's life, but I will analyze what I think I know. The things I notice around the house may be small, but I think they can overflow into different aspects of her life that are major. Example: she is very smart, but very socially disable. What I mean by that is she has no people skills what so ever. She talks to herself, she talks very loudly while everyone is watching TV and point out all the obvious facts as if we didn't know. She talks to everyone like they don't know much, and every time she talks it is as if she is yelling. These are just a few of the small example, but can these small examples plus others explain how she got here? Now what I start wondering is if someone is really smart, why can't they adapt to their surrounding. People skills, I would say, is an extremely important factor in life. No, not everyone is a social butterfly, but most know how to speak well and how to interact with people whether it is during a job interview, at work or at home.

Now another important factor besides social skills is money management. I know I am not a saint in this category, but most people aren't. Everyone has debt, but the difference is can you manage it? Can you properly prioritize your life so that you can be financially sound? Growing up, I look back now and realize it was tough for my parents because they had a family so young. Many times they had to "pay Peter to rob Paul", but both of my parents worked full time plus some. I can remember seeing my dad work from 3am till 11pm many times in my life and the same for my mom who would drive the taxi in the morning, and work at Friendly’s during the night. My parents did whatever was necessary to keep this family’s head above water and never ever relied on welfare or food stamps to do so. I admire them to this day for that and learned many things from it too. For example, get a college degree, never have too much debt and always pay your bills on time. One thing I wish I inherited from my dad was the ability to not worry about anything and know everything will always be alright. Unfortunately, my sister Melissa and I inherited my mom’s genetics which is stress out and worry about most things. Kristen on the other hand got my dad’s personality (lucky!).

But why is my aunt having so much trouble? I think the answer to this is poor choices. Example; she originally was only working 1 part time job. Finally at the end of the summer she got another part time job. So now she works full time with two part time jobs. Let me inform you she is working her new part time job at a pet grooming salon because she decided she was going to do something she likes to do. That is all good and well, but if you are so much financial trouble that you have bill collector calling you everyday, shouldn’t you just worry about paying the bills, not what will you like to do? I personally think it makes more sense to work 2 full time jobs until you get back on your feet. Also the amount of take out food is amazing when my mom stacks the cabinets full of food and how much little un-necessary stuff she buys. Well I better stop here before I start really complaining and getting mean when the whole point of this is whether I should feel bad for her or just think she chose her life with all her poor choices. What do you think?

October's Exercise Log



~Walked two miles on street

Polar: Cal burned: 249, Time: 34mins 14secs, Max hr: 147, Ave hr:120, Nike+ :Pace/mile: 16mins 57 secs, Actual Distance: 2.01miles

Monday, August 25, 2008

New Fall, New Year

I just wanted to start off and say thanks to my Big Sis Meliss, ( hence the name lil' firechild) who got me started in this. For some reason I like to start new things in the fall, so this will be one of them. Maybe it is because of school. but I have always felt the begining of my new year starts in the fall. Thats when everything starts again. Plus fall is my favorite season, so when I smell that crisp morning autumn air coming in, I get sooooo excited and motivated. I seriously am obsessed with it. I make sure I take full advantage of it every year by going to pumpkin and apple picking, going to hunted hay rides and making fall crafts, or treats. I heart autumn!

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