Saturday, September 12, 2009

SO I haven't posted anything in a while so I think I will start this as well as twitter since they only let me write 140 CHARACTERS, that's crap, seriously. Here is a comment from facebook that I have added to.

People my age are starting to look like adults, not college or high school anymore and that scares me. After looking at Ryan Kilty's wedding album, that has so many grads from 2003 and 2004, and I was like holy crap, every looks different from high school. I know I have been denial about getting old, and my guess is that many people my age are too, but the fact is we are turning 25 soon. Yes, I know 25 isn't really old, but we are definitely adults now and just think we are 5 years away from 30.
I don't know about you guys, but in high school I never thought of how people aged. I saw someone and I automatically categorized them as either a baby, kid, teen, young adult, adult and elderly. I never thought about the transition in-between. As I aged myself, and I see people age around me, it scares me. I don't want to get old. I don't want to get a saggy chin and wrinkly eyes! I need to get into shape to look younger ( just started this mission). I think I am going through a quarter life there such a thing?